tirsdag den 15. marts 2016

Work maniac

So on friday it's time to work 6 day in a row, and finally know how my hole summer is gonna work out s:
Today I had a day off, and have been enjoying the evening with my mother (: Tomorrow work, and getting picked up by my boyfriend, and then thursday- relax day (:

lørdag den 12. marts 2016

A bit 'lovesick'

Well, sorry I'm gonna be a bit boring to listen to this time. Cause this is all about love, and how happy I am in my relationship..:D
Sitting here next to my boyfriend, listening to his friends and him playing 'The Division' makes me think of how right we are for each other, and how he always makes me laugh<3 Earlier today I told him I was really really tired and asked him if he wanted to go with me and just lie next to me in the bed, and he did, he watched some youtube videos, and he fell asleep himself.. (: Sometimes I think I don't deserve such a lovely man, but deep inside I know I actually deserve something this good, something I know will last, and I hope it will last till the day I die. I've never felt like this before, and I don't wanna be without him. Watching him sleep (not as creepy as it sounds) makes me smile every time, he looks so peacefull, and lovely. And i can't explain how much I love this boy, but I'm doing my best. We're spending every minut we can together, and I can't wait for him to find an apartment, so we have a place where we can just be us. <3 
This is a man I wanna keep, and I hope he'll keep me too<3 

Love you crazy boy :* 

torsdag den 10. marts 2016


Soo, I'm kinda off the rest of the week, and I'm enjoying the time with my boýfriend. We are tottally just playing games together, and having a chill time, which is awsome (:Today we are making dinner for his parents, So we're making my famous Lasagne, which I hope they will like (:
Otherwise, well I go home tomorrow for a couple of hours, and then back again to my lovely bf. Well anyways, saturday I have intro at Bakken, so that's gonna be awkvard with some of the people from last season. Amy old how. I'm just annoying my noyfriend by sitting here writing, so I'm gonna got it short, and say that things are cool. and soon I'm sooooooooooooooo busy that I don't have time to write anymore. s: So have a nice one, love you guys <3

lørdag den 5. marts 2016


I am so busy at the moment, I haven't had time to write here, and tell you all about my life ;) 
Well, everything is great, I got my job back at Bakken, and still working in the supermarket, my boyfriend is lovely, and I couldn't ask for more (: Well maybe some more hours at a day., Cause in two weeks, I'm going to work 6 days a week almost, and have no freetime, that's gonna be insane! Well at least I get heaps of money for it! :b
Other than that, my boss at the supermarket has just gotten a newborn baby girl, so he's a bit absint at work, which is to understand :b
Hmm.. Going back to bakken is weird, especially cause 1 stupid person is also coming back s: Which is kinda annoying .. Well at least I'm not standing with him or anything. I dont think so, so I'm happy for that.. Just gotta try to play nice .. Like I always do :o

I totally forgot to tell you guys that my boyfriends family have invited me to Malta in September, so that's gonna be nice and lovely, I can't wait to go someplace warm and get some tan again, I miss my tan from Australia ): But yeh, I just asked for my vacation money, so I'll get them two weeks before we go there, which is lovely (: heaps of money at that time :D 

fredag den 29. januar 2016

Working my summer off

So guys, I'm trying to work my ass off, but it's not going very good at Netto (the supermarket) but this week I got a mail from my fromer work boss, so I'm supplying my work with working on Bakken aswell, so I'm just gonna work my ass off this summer! :D Haha :b That's gonna be good, and heaps of money I can save up! Feel like my first paycheck was a bit little ): But nothing to do about that ): unfortunately. 
I'm sending my schedule in tomorrow so I hope I get an answer soon and that he wants me back in the amusement park! :b other than that, I'm looking for an education, I wanna be a traffic assistent in the airport, i'm just waiting for them to open up the apllying thing, and then I hope I'll get in! :b 

Anyways, I wish u all a happy weekend<3

mandag den 11. januar 2016

Work and a new year

So it's 2016 now, that's crazy, I went into the new year wih my boyfriend and best friend and some friends. Very nice (: I got a job at a supermarket, called Netto.
Tomorrow is our 1 month anniversary with my boyfriend, and we are going to celebrate on thursday. so we are going to the movies dont know what we are going to see yet. but it's gonna be cool :)

Dont know what else to write (: soooo i'll write another time (:

tirsdag den 22. december 2015


Can't believe it's christmas in two days! It's crazy! I've already got one gift- my electric piano, sounds so good, and I loooove it! (: This christmas I'm celebrating the 24th with my grandfather, my mom and her friend. Very small and nice (: 25th my boyfriend and bestfriend is coming over, and my grandfarthers girlfriend :) and 26th I'm going to my boyfriends house (: 
I wish you all a very merry christmas (: And a lovely/happy new year! :)